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What is Blue Lotus Powder?

Found growing in Egypt and across Asia, blue lotus powder (nymphaea caerulea) is a beautiful water lily that has been prized since ancient times for its relaxing, libido-boosting, and psychoactive properties. It was so popular in the ancient world that paintings of blue lotus flower powder have been found from Egypt in the Middle East to Central America where the plant was used by the Mayan civilization.

Today, ethnobotanical lovers looking for where to buy blue lotus powder can find the imported product in the United States and around the world — except for the UK, Russia, Latvia, and Poland where it remains illegal.

blue lotus flower powder

Basic Information:

Product Name

Blue lotus flower extract

Latin Name

Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.

Part of used

whole herb

Test Method


Active ingredient

Velvet polysaccharide

Specs Available

5: 1, 10: 1, 20: 1,1%, 4%, 10%, 20%,30%,100:1,200:1



Brown-yellow fine Powder


Food Grade

Sulphated Ash


Loss on drying


Extraction Type

Solvent Extraction



Shelf life

2 years


25kg/fiber drum


Store in cool and dry places. Keep away from strong light.

Blue Lotus benefits

Blue Lotus Powder Benefits:

1. Alkaloids for Euphoric Mood Enhancement

You've caught wind of the alkaloids in kratom, kanna, and akuamma — the mixtures that produce these plants' state of mind improving outcomes. Where kratom has mitragynine and 7-OHM, kanna has mesembrine, and akuamma has akuammine, a large number of the advantages of blue lotus powder can be connected with its two essential alkaloids: nuciferine and aporphine.

As per research, nuciferine and aporphine advance temperament improvement by enacting specific receptors in the mind. Notwithstanding its true capacity for delivering rapture, nuciferine has likewise provoked the curiosity of specialists for its true capacity in treating the fiery viewpoints.

2. Anthocyanins for Immune Support

We as a whole love a decent portion of alkaloids, however the advantages of blue lotus don't stop there. The alkaloid anthocyanin, present in the roses, leaves, and foundations of blue lotus, is remembered to support the resistant framework.

3. Anthraquinones for Digestive Issues

Tracked down in the blossoms and leaves of blue lotus flower powder and rhubarb, anthraquinones have customarily been utilized for stomachache and as a characteristic purgative.

4. Strong s for Health

We have been helped regularly online to remember the significance of cell reinforcements with the expectation of complimentary revolutionary assurance, cardio wellbeing, and more young skin. Coumarins, flavonoids, and phenolic intensifies in blue lotus give cancer prevention agent helps that could assist with advancing wellbeing in these significant ways. Blue lotus powder was customarily implanted in wine, which would intensify the plant's cancer prevention agent content!

5. Flavonoids for a Natural Antibiotic

Covering the last three focuses and that's just the beginning, the flavonoids in Nymphaea caerulea add to the advantages of blue lotus flower powder in more than one way. As well as going about as a calming and a cell reinforcement, flavonoids help with chelating metals and can likewise hinder safe organisms.

6. Glycosides for Heart Health

Glycosides in the blossoms, leaves, and rhizomes of blue lotus are said to offer regular help for a sound heart.

7. Tannins and Leucoanthocyanins for Wound Healing

Astringents are significant in effective medication for fixing wounds and accelerating the recuperating system. Blue lotus contains two mixtures with demonstrated astringent properties — tannins and leucoanthocyanins.

8. Triterpenoids for the Relief of Pain and Inflammation

Assuming you've perused our previous sites about blue lotus powder, you will realize that the customary advantages of blue lotus incorporate general alleviation for gentle distresses. This impact gives off an impression of being connected to the presence of triterpenoids (atoms comprised of three terpene units) that show pain relieving and calming impacts.

Where to Blue Lotus Powder?


Email: herbext.vnbiotech@gmail.com

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