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What is Echinacea Angustifolia Extract ?

Echinacea Angustifolia extract has been used by Native Americans as an alternative medicine for strengthening the immune system and clearing blood for many years, especially in seasons with changing seasons and frequent coughs.

Polysaccharides and caffeic acid derivative polyphenols in Echinacea extract can enhance the body's immunity by increasing granulocytes and leukocytes and enhancing the activity of T cells and the phagocytic capacity of macrophages.Inhibition of hyaluronidase promotes the secretion of adrenal cortex hormones and inhibits influenza and herpes, and has and anti-infective effects; it can be used for various diseases such as influenza and traumatic infection. In another test-tube study, extracts from echinacea plants (Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea pallida) killed human cancer cells from the pancreas and colon by stimulating a process called apoptosis or controlled cell death.

Echinacea angustifolia extract's immune activity has received widespread attention at home and abroad. Echinacea is native to North America. By nourishing bone marrow cells, it has a positive effect on improving the body's resistance, fighting colds, and eliminating fatigue. Echinacea products are also widely used not only in North America, but also in Europe, Oceania, Japan, and South Korea.

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Basic Information

Product Name: Echinacea Extract

Latin Name: Echinacea Purpurea

Botanical Name: Echinacea purpurea

Specification: 5:1 , 10:1,Polyphenols4% UV ;Polyphenols 4% UV & Cichoric Acid 2% HPLC;Cichoric Acid 3% HPLC;Part Used: Whole herb
Appearance: Yellow brown fine powder
Molecular Formula: C22H18O12
Molecular Weight: 474.39
CAS No.: 90028-20-9
Specification: Cichoric acid: 1%,2%,4% Polyphenols: 4%,7%
Packing: Packed in paper-drums and two plastic-bags inside or as per your request.
Net weight: 25kg/drum
Stored in a cool and dry well-closed container, keep away from moisture and strong light/heat.

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Specifications Sheet

Product Name

Echinacea Angustifolia Extract

Botanical Source

Echinacea Purpure

Part Used

Whole herb

Batch Quantity



Cool and dry











Yellow green fine powder





Sieve Analysis

100% pass 80 mesh



TLC-Plant Drug Analysiy


Loss on drying



Sulphated Ash



Heavy Method






Residual Solvents



Microbiology Control

Total Plate Count



Total Yeast & Mold






E. Coli



Echinacea Angustifolia Extract Benefits :

1. Combats Cancer

Fascinating research about echinacea benefits regarding brain cancer has been published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Researchers state that the “medicinal value of phytochemicals contained in Echinacea is clearly evident and indicates that these agents, as well as phytochemicals not yet discovered in other herbs, may be valuable tools to combat tumors.” 

The use of echinacea as another alternative cancer treatment is now being recommended, literally, “alongside — or indeed in place of — conventional therapy,” according to researchers.

2. Boosts the Immune System

How does Echinacea Angustifolia Extract help with colds and the flu? Published in the journal Lancet Infectious Diseases, the University of Connecticut performed a meta-analysis study that evaluated the effects of echinacea using 14 studies.

It was determined that:

Echinacea can reduce the chances of catching a common cold by 58 percent

Echinacea reduces the duration of the common cold by almost one-and-a-half days

Craig Coleman, Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice and lead author of the study, added that, “The take home message from our study is that echinacea does indeed have powerful cold prevention and cold treatment benefits.” This is exactly why echinacea products are one of several effective cold remedies.

Dr. Coleman found that “the significance of that finding becomes clear when you consider that Americans suffer from one billion colds annually and spend about $1.5 billion annually for doctor’s visits and another $2 billion annually on non-prescription cough and cold treatments.”

The United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service reports that the immune system seems to be strongly influenced by the level of the echinacea dose. It appears that 10 milligrams of echinacea per one kilogram of body weight, taken daily over a 10-day period, is effective as an immunity stimulant. 

In addition, the medical journal Hindawi has published material suggesting that echinacea stops viral colds. However, the most significant results of echinacea benefits were the effects when used on recurring infections. To date, research shows that the plant probably reduces cold symptoms, but it seems that the effects of echinacea are more powerful once cold symptoms start.

And another study, this one published in Virus Research, evaluated the effects of Echinacea Angustifolia Extract against viral and secondary bacterial infections that often follow. Plant extracts were able to fight viral respiratory infections, including the flu, while also reducing inflammation and reducing the risk of developing bacterial complications.

Therefore, you can see why echinacea products are used for viral illnesses such as the common cold and flu, particularly extracts, are a favorite recommendation for integrative physicians, homeopaths, naturopaths and more for their patients.

3. Alleviates Pain

Echinacea's history began when Echinacea purpurea was used by the Great Plains Indians as a painkiller. It’s an especially effective pain reliever for the following types:

Pain in the bowels

Pain associated with headaches

Pain associated with HSV (herpes)

Pain associated with gonorrhea

Pain associated with measles

Snake bites

Sore throats

Stomach ache



Some common ways to use echinacea products to combat pain is to drink herbal echinacea tea, or even make a paste out of the dried herb and rub it directly on the area that is affected.

4. Functions as a Laxative

Like many herbs, echinacea is particularly healing for the stomach and entire gastrointestinal tract. According to Medical Herbalism, for example, echinacea has shown to work as a mild laxative that provides constipation relief and works as a calming agent. 

Drinking the herbal tea is especially effective to help with this. For more chronic conditions, a cup of tea every day can help loosen the bowels — whereas 2–3 cups per day can help with sudden bouts.

However, to reduce the risk of side effects, be sure not to over use echinacea. To be safe, be sure to limit your tea to two cups a day, max, and take supplements as directed on their labels.

5. Agent

Arguably the number one killer worldwide, inflammation is at the root of most diseases. Various factors — including stress, toxins in our food and poor sleep — all contribute. Thankfully, as explained by the University of British Columbia, regular echinacea consumption can effectively reverse and alleviate various types of inflammation. 

Products containing echinacea may even help with uveitis, or eye inflammation. It’s a good idea for people who struggle with chronic inflammatory conditions, like rheumatoid arthritis, to regularly consume the herbal tea in order to reduce system-wide inflammation.

6. Improves Skin Problems

Echinacea Angustifolia Extract benefits the skin as well, including improving skin hydration and reducing wrinkles. Research shows that using skin products containing the plant’s extracts may help to boost skin health. Plus, it showed no side effects, like skin irritation. 

 7. Helps Improve Mental Health

Echinacea angustifolia is the recommended species to help with specific ailments related to ADD/ADHD. Both adults and children suffering from ADD/ADHD have a higher-than-normal chance of experiencing emotional disturbances, especially:



Social phobias

Again, dosage is key. It’s recommended that people only take 20 milligrams at a time and no more. In fact, taking more than 20 milligrams per dose can actually cancel out the echinacea benefits that relieve anxiety.

8. Relieves Upper Respiratory Issues

Because of its immune-boosting and effects, research indicates that echinacea may work to improve the following upper respiratory symptoms: 

Acute sinusitis

All flu’s


Common cold




Strep throat


Whooping cough

In fact, in a clinical study of asthma sufferers, echinacea acted similarly to classic synthetic drugs in treating asthma. Researchers wrote that “Recent studies have shown that secretion of asthma-related cytokines in the bronchial epithelial cells can be reversed by Echinacea preparations.”

In particular, echinacea showed significant bronchodilatory and effects. Study authors concluded that this “provide(s) a scientific basis for the application of this herb in traditional medicine as a supplementary treatment of allergic disorders of the airways, such as asthma.”

For more severe issues, supplement products are the way to go as drinking tea, for instance, is just not concentrated enough.

9. Fights Infection

Echinacea angustifolia extract is also a fantastic remedy for a whole slew of infections. One study found that taking echinacea and applying a medicated cream to the skin can lower the rate of reoccurring vaginal infections by to 16 percent, compared to simply taking the medicine alone. It’s also known to help with:

Bloodstream infections

Genital herpes

Gum disease




Urinary tract infections

Vaginal yeast infections

Application of Echinacea Angustifolia Extract :

1. Nutritional supplement
· Strengthening the immune system; and it can be used as an immunomodulator; Improving the activity of different immune cells.
· Preventing influenza; shortening the duration of cold.
· ; Inhibiting the virus growing, used to treat rabies and snake venom.
· ; Polysaccharide & caffeic acid have activity which can resist Candidiasis.
· ; Strong activity, used for bacterial infections.
2. Feed additives
· For horse feeding: it can increase the phage ability of neutrophils and the number of peripheral lymphocytes, and effectively stimulate the horse's immune activity.
· For chicken feeding: it can obviously increase the weight of the chickens in the experimental group and reduce the infection of coccidia.
· For fish, shrimp and other aquatic animals: it can promote growth and increase immunity. Also available for many other animals.

Echinacea extract can be obtained from extracts, tinctures, tablets, capsules, ointments, and stable fresh extracts.

  1. Applied in pharmaceutical field, it is mainly used in preventing cancer, such as breast, prostate cancer and colon cancer.

  2. Applied in health product field, it is mainly used in improving osteoporosis and womens menopauses symptom.

  3. As an immune modulator,it is widely used in the field of cosmetics.

  4. As food additives, it is widely used in food industry.

Certification of Echinacea Angustifolia Extract :

Echinacea Purpurea polyphenols

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