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What is Ellagic Acids?

Ellagic acids is a natural heterotetracyclic compound coming about because of the proper dimerisation of gallic corrosive by oxidative sweet-smelling coupling with intramolecular lactonisation of both carboxylic corrosive gatherings of the subsequent biaryl. Ellagic acid extract is tracked down in many leafy foods, including raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, and pomegranates.

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Basic Information:

Specification of Pomegranate Peel Extract
Botanical Source:Punica granatum.L
Part used:Peel

40%-90%Ellagic Acid(Tested by HPLC)

AppearanceGrey Fine Powder or brown powder
Flavor & OdorCharacteristic
Particle size100% pass 80 mesh
Loss on Drying≤5.0%
Bulk density40-60g/100ml
Sulphated Ash≤5.0%
General StatusNon-irradiated
Total microbacterial count≤1000cfu/g
Yeast & Mold≤100cfu/g
Staphylococcus aureusNegative

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Ellagic Acids Benefits:

1. Cancer

There are solid connections between ellagic acids and malignant growth anticipation.

As per a 2014 logical article, this corrosive has "intense preventive and restorative impacts against a few kinds of diseases, including colon malignant growth, bosom malignant growth, prostate disease, skin disease, esophageal disease, and osteogenic sarcoma."

2. Obesity

As per a recent report, moderate utilization of red grapes, red grape juice or red wine might assist with supporting the wellbeing status of overweight individuals by assisting them with consuming fat all the more proficiently and keep away from weight related confusions.

The analysts found that the ellagic acid extraction found in grapes emphatically dialed back the development of existing fat cells as well as the arrangement of fat cells. Ellagic acid extract likewise worked on the digestion of unsaturated fats in liver cells.

3. DNA Damage

An examination concentrate on distributed in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences tracks down that berries rich in ellagic acids had the option to safeguard against oxidative pressure and diminish DNA harm in the livers of creature subjects.

4. Wrinkles and Inflammation

A review distributed in 2010 in the diary Experimental Dermatology observed that effective utilization of ellagic acids had the option to forestall the breakdown of collagen in both human skin cells and bare mice. In the creature subjects, non-harmful EA likewise forestalled kinks and skin thickening because of UV-B openness.

Generally, the review results demonstrate the way that EA can forestall collagen annihilation, provocative reactions and indications of maturing brought about by UV openness.

5. Viral Infections

Certain individuals take EA for viral diseases. An examination concentrate on distributed in 2018 in the diary Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy highlights the capacity of EA to assist with battling viral diseases like flu.

A little report has likewise shown that the corrosive might have the option to assist with battling the human papilloma infection (HPV) in ladies.

Ellagic Acids Application:

1.It can be used in the production of medicines and health products

2.It can be used in food additives

3.It can be used in the production of cosmetics

The best Ellagic Acids supplier

Undersun specialize in ellagic acid extract for several years, we supply products with competitive price, and our product is of the highest quality and undergoes strict, independent testing to ensure that it is safe for consumption around the world.

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