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What is Frankincense Extract Boswellic Acid?

Frankincense extract boswellic acid, is a tar home grown remove from the boswellia tree, which regular medication rehearses have utilized for quite a long time. Its mitigating impacts imply that it might assist with incendiary circumstances, like rheumatoid joint pain, fiery entrail infection, and asthma.

The medicines for these circumstances will quite often spin around decreasing aggravation. By aiding control irritation, boswellic acid extract might limit the side effects of ongoing incendiary circumstances.

Logical examination is starting to help the advantages of boswellic acid powder, however most investigations to date have utilized cell or creature models. Researchers don't have the foggiest idea about the impacts of this substance in people, such countless more clinical preliminaries with people are vital before specialists can suggest this treatment.

boswellic acid powder

Basic Information:

TypeBoswellia Powder/Frankincense extract
GradePharmaceutical Grade
Model NumberBotanical Extract
Latin NameBoswellia serrata L
Applicationpromoting blood circulation to arrest pain




Test method

Assay (Boswellic Acid)

65.0% Min




Ivory powder



Part Used




Extract Solvent

Ethanol & Water



Heavy metals

10ppm Max




1ppm Max




Total plate count

1000cfu/g Max



Yeast & Mold

100cfu/g Max



E. Coli




boswellic acid extract

Frankincense Extract Boswellic Acid Benefits:

1. Lessens Stress Reactions and Negative Emotions

When breathed in, frankincense extract boswellic acid been displayed to lessen pulse and hypertension. It has against nervousness and discouragement diminishing capacities, however not at all like doctor prescribed meds, it doesn't make negative side impacts or cause undesirable sluggishness.

2. Helps Boost Immune System Function and Prevents Illness

Studies have exhibited that frankincense extract boswellic acid benefits stretch out to insusceptible abilities to improve that might assist with obliterating perilous microbes, infections and even tumors. Specialists at Mansoura University in Egypt led a lab investigation and discovered that frankincense oil serious areas of strength for shows movement.

3. May Help Fight Cancer and Deal with Chemotherapy Side Effects

A few examination bunches have found that boswellic acid powder has promising mitigating and hostile to growth impacts when tried in lab studies and on creatures. Frankincense oil has been displayed to assist with battling cells of explicit kinds of malignant growth.

4. Astringent and Can Kill Harmful Germs and Bacteria

Boswellic acid extract is a germicide and sanitizer specialist that makes impacts. It can dispose of cold and influenza microorganisms from the home and the body normally, and it very well may be utilized instead of substance family cleaners.

5. Safeguards Skin and Prevents Signs of Aging

Frankincense extract boswellic acid benefits incorporate the capacity to reinforce skin and work on its tone, versatility, safeguard components against microbes or flaws, and appearance as somebody ages. It might assist tone and lift with cleaning, diminish the presence of scars and skin inflammation, and treat wounds.

6. Further develops Memory

Research proposes that frankincense oil can be utilized to further develop memory and learning capabilities. A few creature concentrates on even show that utilizing frankincense during pregnancy might build the memory of a mother's posterity.

7. May Help Balance Hormones and Improve Fertility

Boswellic acid powder advantages might incorporate lessening side effects related with feminine cycle and menopause by adjusting chemical levels, albeit the examination on this subject is restricted.

8. Facilitates Digestion

Boswellic acid extract helps the stomach related framework appropriately detox and produce solid discharges. Research demonstrates that it might likewise assist with lessening torment and squeezing in the stomach, assuage queasiness, flush out abundance water from the mid-region that can cause swelling, and even alleviate PMS-related stomach torments.

Frankincense Extract Boswellic Acid Application:

Beta-Boswellic acid is widely used in the medical field, which can effectively fight inflammation, immune regulation, , and treat chronic diseases such as asthma and arthritis.

1. As Food and beverage ingredients.

2. As Healthy Products ingredients.
3. As Nutrition Supplements ingredients.

4. As Pharmaceutical Industry & General Drugs ingredients.

5. As a health food and cosmetic ingredients

Contact us:


Email: herbext.vnbiotech@gmail.com

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