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What is Natural Mint Extract?

Natural mint extract is a home grown concentrate of peppermint (Mentha × piperita) produced using the medicinal ointments of peppermint leaves. Natural mint extract is a half breed of water mint and spearmint[1] and was native to Europe and the Center East before it became normal in different locales, like North America and Asia.

Green mint extract is usually utilized in cooking, as a dietary enhancement, as a natural or elective medication, as a nuisance repellent, and a flavor or scent specialist for cleaning items, beauty care products, mouthwash, biting gum, and confections. Green mint extract dynamic fixing menthol enacts the TRPM8 receptor in tangible neurons, bringing about a cool sensation when peppermint remove is consumed or utilized topically.

green mint extract

Basic Information:

Items & Results










Brown yellow powder



Odor & Test




Particle Size

100%Through 80 mesh


Loss on Drying



Residue on Ignition



Heavy Metals












Pesticide Residue






Store in sealed containers at cool & dry place. Protect from light,

moisture and pest infestation.

Shelf life

2 years when properly stored

mint extract price

Natural Mint Extract Benefits:

1. Mint Aides In Treating Skin break out

properties of mint assist in getting with freeing of skin break out. Natural mint extract likewise contains salicylic corrosive which is extremely valuable in battling against skin break out. Applying mint on the face can altogether diminish skin break out.

2. Cleans The Skin

Natural mint extract is supposed to be a successful chemical of the face. Essentially applying squashed mint supports the face, gives newness and quiets the face. It alleviates the skin and makes it sound and understood.

3. Forestall Kinks

Natural mint extract forestalls maturing. Applying mint on the face helps in working on the energy of the skin and battles wrinkles. You can make a facemask involving mint too. The following are a couple of moves toward set up an enemy of maturing facial covering utilizing mint at home.

4. Fixes Diseases

Green mint extract is the cell reinforcement and calming specialist present in the Mint which helps in relieving contaminations and sensitivities and diminishes the irritation of the skin. Applying mint on skin helps you in diminishing the irritation of sensitivities and to dispose of contaminations.

5. Mint Leaves Fills in As A Clean

Green mint extract can be utilized as a clean and help in further developing dryness and bluntness of the skin, and add some newness. Here are a moves toward set up a scour.

6. Mint In Skin Conditioning

Mint aides battle skin inflammation and clogged pores and gives a conditioned, new and merry skin. By clearing the oil in the pores and fixing the skin, mint assists you with accomplishing more lovely skin.

7. Eliminates Pimples

Because of the presence of soil and oil in the face, pimples appear. It‚äôs exceptionally normal and a large number of us have confronted it. Mint aides in eliminating zits by cleaning the face and clearing the pores. This forestalls the repeat of clogged pores. It is valuable for sleek skin issues as it eliminates overabundance oil too.

peppermint extract powder benefits

Application of Mint Leaf Extract :

1. Be used to relieve intestinal colic, flatulent dyspepsia and associated conditions;
2. Be also used in the treatment of ulcerative conditions of the bowels;
3. Be used to relieve itching, inflammations, and a avariety of respiratory conditions.

Where to buy Mint Leaf Extract?

Just send email to herbext.vnbiotech@gmail.com, or submit your requirement in bottom form, we are of service at any time!

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