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What is Organic Pea Protein?

Organic Pea protein powder is a high-quality protein extracted from peas using advanced technology and low temperature and low pressure technology. Pea protein contains eighteen kinds of amino acids necessary for the human body and is a full-price protein.

Made from only whole dried peas, our certified Organic Pea Protein is 100% pure and supremo source of plant protein for those with soy or gluten allergies. Use it to help muscles recover after working out or to add protein to a vegan or vegetarian diet. We love it in a smoothie with berries or in oatmeal and pancakes.

Pea protein powder is a popular supplement made by extracting protein from peas. Not only does it add more protein and iron to your diet, but it’s also naturally hypoallergenic and vegan. As such, pea protein has become a popular alternative to whey-based protein powders in post-workout shakes and smoothies. All the same, finding a high quality product can be a challenge.

Why Organic Pea Protein?

Organic Pea Protein is loaded with plant-based iron and fiber. It’s also highly digestible and can be swapped out with animal-based protein powder. You’ll love its versatility; add it to soups, baked goods, smoothies and more!

Organic Pea Protein

Organic Pea Protein Benefits:

1. Contains All Essential Amino Acids

About 90% of a pea is protein, and quality protein at that, rich in essential amino acids.In fact, it contains all nine essential amino acids— valine, phenylalanine, threonine, methionine, tryptophan, isoleucine, lysine, histidine, and leucine.The body needs these nine amino acids to perform important functions in the body. Though a pea has low methionine content, you can compensate by adding brown rice to your diet.Indeed, pea is a great source of vegetarian protein.

2. Easy Digestion and Fast Absorption of Fiber

Being a legume, Organic Pea Protein contains high levels of fiber and starch making it hard to digest. Pea powder, meanwhile, loses most of its fiber and starch when processed.Pea powder becomes easier to digest, thanks to the process it goes through.

The proteins in this legume are 95–98% digestible, allowing for maximized absorption. This means the body gets access to them quickly and can put them to use right away where they are needed most.

3. Provides High-Quality Aminos

Peas also contain essential amino acids that are often lacking in other vegetables, like lysine. Each essential amino acid cannot be created by the body and must come from the foods we eat.Aside from its amino acid profile, it also contains branched-chain amino acids like isoleucine, leucine, and arginine.Arginine makes sure blood flows well in your veins, while isoleucine and leucine help gain muscle mass.

4. Allergen-Free and Does Not Cause Allergic Reactions

Unlike soy, whey, milk, and cheese, pea is not an allergen and allergic reactions to it are extremely rare.Pea protein powder also doesn’t contain gluten like many grains and no lactose.People avoiding allergens from dairy or gluten can drink and eat beverages and meals with pea protein powder.

5. Provides the Body with Steady Supply of Proteins for Energy

Protein is essential in building strong bones, muscles, and healthy tissue. It also goes into a multitude of enzymes the body uses to produce energy, transport nutrients, carry oxygen, and complete thousands of other tasks.

Protein isn’t stored in the body like many other nutrients, so a good, healthy, and steady supply is needed each day. You don’t need massive amounts, but you do need the right amino acids.

6. Muscle-Building and Repair

The rich amino acids in peas are perfect for repairing and rebuilding muscle.After exercise, the muscle tissue is torn from the workout and needs an immediate supply of the right amino acids to repair these tears and layer extra muscle fiber over the top.The highly digestible and absorbable nature of pea protein means you can take it just before or just after a workout and get amino acids to the rescue quickly.

7. Promotes Appetite Control and Helps with Weight Loss

Peas help regulate appetite and aid in weight loss. Organic Pea Protein is a low- calorie food without the unhealthy fats found in many meat and animal proteins.Food with high protein content keeps you full longer. This means you won’t be craving that extra donut in between meals.This leads to gradual weight loss.

8. Good for the Kidney and Heart

The protein from peas, especially yellow peas, has been shown to lower cholesterol and blood pressure while being gentle on the kidneys.It may actually prevent kidney problems.

According to a study, pea protein powder increases the absorption of cholesterol while controlling the production of fats in rats.

9. Less Processing, More Nutrients

Since peas are so rich in protein, this protein doesn’t require chemicals and a ton of processing to extract it from the carbohydrates.Less processing does not strip away too much protein, giving you more of the nutrients from its organic state.

10. Better Taste and Texture

Pea protein powder has a less chalky, fluffier texture than most other protein powders and a naturally nutty sweet flavor.It is often combined with rice protein, another allergen-free option, to create a more balanced amino acid profile and to combine their textures. Many feel this combination yields one of the best tasting protein powders.

Organic Pea Protein-1

Physiological function:

At the 237th Annual American Chemical Conference held in Salt Lake City, USA, Canadian food chemist, Dr. Rotimi E.Aluko of MANITOBA University and other scientists announced a new discovery of “food therapy”: when pea protein passes through thermophilic bacteria Protease hydrolysis, a peptide that is hydrolyzed by pea protein filtration from the membrane, has a blood pressure lowering effect, and this conclusion is verified by the consumption of a large number of mice with hypertension or hypertensive patients.

Preparation method:

pea→cleaning→soaking→refining→slurry separation→centrifugal removal of starch→acid precipitation→centrifugation→precipitate alkali solution→spray drying→finished product

The peas from which the impurities were removed were soaked in water for 12 to 24 hours, then rinsed with water, and then ground with a grinding wheel, and the bean dregs were repeatedly ground 3 times. The slurry was centrifuged at 1500 r/min for 3 min to remove the residue. The supernatant was acidified to adjust the pH to about 4.4 to precipitate the protein. The supernatant was removed by centrifugation, and the protein after acid precipitation was adjusted to pH 7.0 with alkali to dissolve the protein, and then homogenized. Spray dried pea protein powder.

Food application:

Pea protein powder can be added to cereals as a nutritional supplement, such as bread, cake, noodles, nutritious rice noodles, or as a meat substitute to Western meat products such as ham, red sausage and so on.

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