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What is Terminalia Arjuna Bark Extract?

Terminalia arjuna bark extract, usually known as arjuna, has a place with the group of Combretaceae. Terminalia arjuna bark powder is being utilized in the Indian subcontinent for anginal torment, hypertension, congestive cardiovascular breakdown, and dyslipidemia, in view of the perceptions of old doctors for quite a long time.

The utility of terminalia arjuna extract in different cardiovascular illnesses should be concentrated further. Hence, the current survey is a work to give a nitty gritty overview of the writing summing up the exploratory and clinical examinations relevant to terminalia arjuna powder in cardiovascular problems, which were especially performed during the last 10 years.

terminalia arjuna extract

Basic Information:


Yellow Brown Powder



Loss on Drying



TLC 10:1



Sieve Analysis


Extract Solvent

Grain Alcohol & water

Heavy Metal


Total Plate Count


Yeast & Mold






skin care

Terminalia Arjuna Bark Extract Benefits:

Arjuna For Pigmentation

According to Ayurveda, hyperpigmentation is related with an irritated Pitta dosha in the body, which occurs because of intensity and sun beams, and hormonal unevenness in the body. Terminalia arjuna bark extract helps in lessening tanning and pigmentation because of its pitta adjusting properties.

An enemy of pigmentation veil can be made by blending 1tsp of terminalia arjuna powder and milk with 2-3 gms of wild turmeric. This can be applied equitably on the face and neck for 5-10 minutes and afterward flushed off with typical water. This enemy of pigmentation cover can be utilized 1-3 times each week.

Moreover, applying a blend of the powders of terminalia arjuna extract and Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia) root with honey over the face assists with decreasing dull spots and pigmentation.

Arjuna For Skin Aging

Terminalia arjuna bark powder remove is an incredible expansion to your enemy of maturing schedule. Maturing is normally connected with an expansion in the quantity of free extremists. Terminalia arjuna extract is known for cell reinforcement properties forestall skin harm brought about by these free extremists. It helps in the recovery of skin cells, hydrates the skin and further develops skin versatility. It likewise forestalls diminishing and drooping of the skin.

Arjuna For Dry And Rough Skin

Terminalia arjuna bark extract is gainful for dry and unpleasant skin worries as it reinforces the skin boundary by decreasing the transepidermal water misfortune, and supports sebum creation, in this way diminishing the indications of dry skin and safeguarding the skin from other outer difficulties.

Arjuna For Acne And Breakouts

Terminalia arjuna powder glue oversees skin break out and pimples by diminishing aggravation because of its calming properties. It likewise has astringent properties that cause the compression of skin cells and help in lessening skin break out, caused because of overabundance oil creation in the skin.

A mix of a new glue of terminalia arjuna bark extract and honey can be applied uniformly on the face for 4-5 minutes. Flush it off with typical water. This can be involved 2-3 times each week as a solution for dispose of skin break out and pimples.

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Email: herbext.vnbiotech@gmail.com

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