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What is Red Clover Extract?

Red clover extract is an extract of legumes (Leguminosae) Trifolium perennial herb. The main active ingredient is isoflavones. Red clover blossom extract has , , regulation of human hormone balance, improvement of osteoporosis, menopausal syndrome, etc. It also has the function of and scavenging free radicals. It is a kind of natural medicine with great development prospects, as well as health food and functional food supplements.

Red Clover Extract (RCE) refers to any extract that is taken from the red clover plant, known botanically as trifolium pratense which is a good natural source of isoflavone molecules. There are a few brand name products of fermented red clover extract (Promensil, Menoflavon, etc.) which isolate the isoflavones that are thought to be bioactive, and this mainly refers to two of the soy isoflavones which are also found in this plant (genistein and daidzein) and two structurally similar methylated isoflavones known as biochanin A and formononetin.

Specifically, biochanin A is just methylated genistein (and can produce genistein in the body when it is ingested) whereas formononetin is methylated daidzein (can also produce daidzein in the body after ingestion). RCE, and its brand name products, are recommended for the treatment of menopause or asthmatic symptoms.

Fermented red clover extract contains plant oestrogens– also known as phytoestrogens or isoflavones. Red clover extract is these plant oestrogens that are interesting in the use of the herb in an extract – in our extract more than 90% of these are in aglycone form. When women reach their menopause, the decrease in oestrogen that occurs affects their body and mood.

The use of red clover extract by herbalists goes back centuries, and it has become associated with the menopause. The red clover blossom extract’s content of plant oestrogens as well as lemon balm, peppermint and sage can help maintain a calm and more comfortable menopause and alleviate symptoms such as hot flushes and sweating, as well as to promote greater mental balance.

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Red Clover Extract Benefits:

Bone health

 Red clover extract contains isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen — a plant compound that can weakly mimic estrogen in the body — that are present in the plant. Consumption of isoflavones has been linked to a lower risk of osteoporosis in some studies.

Menopausal symptoms

 The high isoflavone content of fermented red clover extract is thought to help alleviate menopausal symptoms like night sweats and hot flashes.

Fermented red clover extract (Promensil) 40–80 mg per day may reduce hot flashes by 30–50% in women with severe symptoms (5 or more per day), according to two review studies. Nevertheless, supplement companies funded many studies, which may result in bias.

Health of the skin and hair 

Red clover extract has been used in traditional medicine to improve the health of the skin and hair.

When a 5% red clover blossom extract was applied to the scalp for four months, compared to the placebo group, there was a 13% increase in the hair growth cycle (anagen) and a 29% decrease in the hair loss cycle (telogen).

Heart health 

Some preliminary research suggests that postmenopausal women's heart health may be improved by red clover. One 2015 study found that taking 50 mg of red clover blossom extract (Rimostil) daily for a year reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol by 12 percent in 147 postmenopausal women.

Red clover extract

Red Clover Extract Application:

1. Raw materials of drugs used in pharmaceutical field;
2. Active ingredients of health products health product industry;
3. Pharmaceutical raw materials.

Pharmacological effects

Red clover extract: its active ingredient is isoflavones, which have phytoestrogen-like effects. These ingredients have a certain effect on preventing breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, improving osteoporosis and improving women's menopausal symptoms. The more widely used in clinical practice, it has also become a promising natural health food.

Efficacy: Zhen Zhen, cough, stop asthma. The whole grass is made into an extract to treat local ulcers. The red axle extract has a phytoestrogen-like effect, especially the garbanzoin has a two-way regulation effect on the hormone levels in the human body. There is also antispasmodic effect. It can be used to prevent and treat premenstrual syndrome when estrogen is elevated in women, menopausal syndrome when estrogen is lowered, prostate cancer, breast cancer, whooping cough and other diseases.

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