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What is Wormwood Powder?

Wormwood powder is an herb. The above-ground plant parts and oil are used for medicine.

Wormwood powder is used for various digestion problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, gall bladder disease, and intestinal spasms. Wormwood is also used to treat fever, liver disease, depression, muscle pain, memory loss and worm infections; to increase sexual desire; as a tonic; and to stimulate sweating. Wormwood is used for Crohn's disease and a kidney disorder called IgA nephropathy.

Wormwood leaf powder is also used for digestive disorders, to increase sexual desire, and to stimulate the imagination.

Some people apply wormwood herb powder directly to the skin for osteoarthritis (OA), and healing wounds and insect bites. Wormwood oil is used as a counterirritant to reduce pain.

wormwood leaf powder

Basic Information:




Brown fine powder OR white powder




100% pass through 80 mesh sieve

Particle size

45.0g/100mL~55.0 g/100mL

Bulk Density



Positive Reaction

Loss on drying(5h at 105℃)


Ash(3h at 600℃)


Heavy metals(as Pb)


Heavy metals(as Pb)


Arsenic(as As2O3)

Eur. Pharm. 2000

Assay: Extract ratio




Total bacterial count


Yeast & Mould


Escherichia coli presence




wormwood benefits

Wormwood Powder Benefits:

In manufacturing, wormwood oil is used as a fragrance component in soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes. It is also used as an insecticide.

Wormwood is used in some alcoholic beverages. Vermouth, for example, is a wine beverage flavored with extracts of wormwood. Absinthe is another well-known alcoholic beverage made with wormwood. It is an emerald-green alcoholic drink that is prepared from wormwood oil, often along with other dried herbs such as anise and fennel. Absinthe was popularized by famous artists and writers such as Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas, Manet, van Gogh, Picasso, Hemingway, and Oscar Wilde. It is now banned in many countries, including the U.S. But it is still allowed in European Union countries as long as the thujone content is less than 35 mg/kg. Thujone is a potentially poisonous chemical found in wormwood. Distilling wormwood in alcohol increases the thujone concentration.

1. It could help stimulate digestion

Traditionally, wormwood powder has been used to help digestion, and a small 2014 study found evidence to support this practice. The control group of 14 participants drank water mixed a sugar placebo, while 12 people drank water mixed with a wormwood extract (another 12 ingested water with gentian, another bitter herb). The study suggests that ingesting wormwood elicits the cephalic phase response, AKA how your body responds to nerve signals telling you it's time to eat (it's why you salivate when you see, smell, or taste food). This response also leads to increased stomach enzyme production, which creates better conditions for digestion. However, this was conducted on a small group of people and additional research is needed.

2. It might help with pain management

A small randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial suggests that wormwood leaf powder has potential and pain-relieving benefits, as osteoarthritis patients reported significant reductions in pain after taking 150 mg of wormwood extract twice daily over a 12-week period, according to study authors. Study authors note that these findings are preliminary and that further research is required.

3. It may help manage symptoms of Crohn's disease

Research is definitely mixed on this one. For patients with Crohn's disease, SedaCrohn (an herbal supplement made from wormwood herb powder) could increase quality of life and accelerate healing, according to respective studies conducted in 2007 and 2010. (In the 2007 study, there was a "near complete remission" for 65 percent of the people in the wormwood group, compared to just 15 percent of the placebo group.) And a 2015 meta-analysis of 27 studies concluded that wormwood was more effective than placebo at putting Crohn's patients into remission and keeping them there. However, a more recent 2017 meta-analysis of 29 randomized control trials concluded that herbal medicines weren't particularly effective at achieving or maintaining clinical remission for Crohn's, and that further studies are warranted. Whiplash, much? If you're interested in exploring this option, be sure to consult your doctor.

4. It has promise as a malaria treatment

A Ugandan community was observed in 2012 after researchers learned they relied on wormwood tea to treat malaria. Researchers concluded that it was effective in preventing multiple episodes of malaria. And a case study from 2017 found wormwood powder (specifically, tablets made from dried leaves of the plant) helpful at treating drug-resistant malaria as a last-resort measure. However, the Memorial Sloan Kettering Center cautions that people getting reinfected with malaria is more likely with wormwood than with conventional antimalarial medicine. That's why it should not be used on its own to treat malaria; the World Health Organization recommends artemisinin-based combination therapies, which includes taking artemisinin (a derivative of wormwood) along with an approved drug.

Wormwood Powder Application:


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